Our International Partner: Portugal
We pride ourselves on building strong working relationships globally with reputable firms that we can engage and collaborate with on behalf of our clients, thus increasing our success rate in cases abroad. We handle all aspects of a case from correspondence to logistics.

António Da Costa
Associate Partner
Da Costa Basto
The Portuguese law firm Da Costa Basto will assist us in your claim if you have been injured abroad in Portugal, and, also assist Portuguese citizens injured while travelling in the Republic of Ireland. If you have had an accident abroad in Portugal, the law firm of Da Costa Basto, based in Lisbon, will represent our clients in the Portuguese court system.
António da Costa Basto has practised law since July 1975 and is an expert in personal injury* law. He regularly assists international courts, giving evidence of legal procedures in Portugal and the amount of damages that injured victims can recover under the Portuguese legal system.
The most common accidents involving Irish tourists in Portugal are road-traffic accidents along with slip, trip and fall-related accidents in hotels, restaurants, shops and on public footpaths.
For further information, please email us or request a call back using the form below.
Portugeuse law governing Personal Injury
The Personal Injury system in Portugal
In Portugal it is permitted a lawyer to agree with the client to fix fees as a percentage of the award or settlement. The time period for victims of personal injury in Portugal to sue is three years from the date of the accident and in some circumstances, this can be extended to five years. This is a much longer period than is allowed under Irish law. In many cases where consumers are injured either in road traffic accidents or while staying in Hotels or apartments EU Law allows them to file legal actions to recover compensation before the Courts of the State in which they are domiciled in. However, the assessment of compensation is based on the law of the country where the accident occurred and not in the victim’s home country. This is an important distinction because compensation levels in Ireland are far more generous than Portugal.
If the legal action cannot be taken in Ireland it will have to be filed in Portugal and a Portuguese lawyer will have to be instructed.
Because of Moloney Solicitors relationship with the Law Firm of Da Costa Basto in Lisbon we can get immediate legal assistance for all of our clients. This ensures that they can access hospital records, medical reports and police reports as our Portuguese colleagues will obtain this information promptly after the accident happens. It is extremely important that this evidence is obtained because many insurance companies refuse to pay compensation for medical injuries unless somebody has attended a hospital or a medical clinic after the accident in Portugal.
If an Irish tourist is involved in an accident in Portugal, we recommend that the following steps are immediately taken:
- Immediately take photographs of the vehicles involved in the road traffic accident, the scene of the accident and of your injuries.
- In the event of a road traffic accident call the police immediately and retain the names of the police officers who attended the scene
- If the injuries were sustained either in a slip, fall or trip in a public place or in a restaurant or hotel immediately report the accident by email or letter and that you are given a receipt to prove that the accident was reported. Keep the names of the people that the accident was reported to and again take photographs of the area where you fell.
- Immediately notify your Travel Insurance company that you have been involved in an accident. You may also have legal expenses cover under the terms of your policy which can be very helpful towards paying your legal expenses at a later stage.
Types of cases dealt with
- Road-traffic accidents
- Fall-related accidents (in hotels, restaurants, shops, streets, etc.)
- Other kinds of accidents or incidents, such as food poisoning, accidents in funfairs or gymnasiums.
Legal ground
The general principles governing liability and the obligation to compensate the injured party are provided for in the Civil Code. The procedural rules are found in the Civil Procedure Code. There is also special legislation regarding certain particular matters, such as road traffic accidents and insurance. Since Portugal is an EU State Member, EU Regulations apply.
Liability sources
The main source is fault. In certain cases the Portuguese law foresees a presumption of fault. An exception to fault-based liability the Portuguese law foresees, in certain cases, strict or non-fault liability. The most important exception is road traffic accidents.
The standard limitation period for the compensation right is 3 years from the accident’s/incident’s date.
General level of damages
It is extremely varied the amounts awarded in Portugal. They depend on the particular characteristics of each case and sometimes on the Judge himself. This is due to the fact that equity/fairness (“equidade”) is a legal criterion for assessing non-pecuniary damages and, in certain cases, pecuniary damages as well.